Thursday, November 17, 2011

Special delivery! Warning this may be TMI for some people

 I am facing a dilemma that only I can fix or answer. I am usually very decisive. I take a look at 2 or 3 things I decide and never look back. Not this time. This is all concerning my baby's delivery. I had a very traumatic delivery first time around and I Never I mean NEVER want to go through that again! So In the middle of my pregnancy I have decided to change practices and hospitals to deliver my lil' munchkin. Question is where do I go. I am hoping for a natural delivery so I would like a hospital that accommodates my wishes. Seems simple right? Not so.  I also want to know that if something goes wrong I will get the best care possible. The hospital that I am most comfortable with is an hour away. Should I be concerned about that?  What if there is traffic? What if I have "false alarms" at the end. That's a lot of driving. What if there is a snowstorm?  I know I am being crazy! I admit to this but this is what is going on in my messed up lil prego brain. There are other hospitals that come close but they are not right on the money for me. What do I settle for?  A long inconvenient commute or a practice that am a bit less comfortable with? Help!!   My husbands answer" I don't know do what's best for you"   Thanks hun....not helping!!  Must decide must decide! UGH

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Am I that Liberal?

It's funny I don't consider myself to be that liberal. I have old fashioned ideas on family life and I practice one of the oldest religions in the book. But the older I get the more I am repulsed By the thought of being conservative. I guess this comes from my " I will not be told what to do attitude"  If it is conservative it makes me want to puke.  Conservative fashion,politics and people who are overly conservative with their money. I applaud people who are innovative and think outside of the box. Thank God for all of the people now and throughout history that rock the boat a little. Jeez, we might as well all live in a communist country ,wear uniforms and let the government run everything!  Funny thing is that most conservative people have skeletons in their closet that they are trying to hide. Liberals...we just put it out on the table.I know that some people are going to read this and get pissed off. But hey this is my blog. If you want to talk about How wonderful plaid is or how unbelievable great George W Bush is get your own damn blog! From the quirky Greek girl perspective if you want blue hair,go for it. Gay,straight,or bi that's fine by me. Listen to music other than Josh Groban that sounds wonderful.   Live it up people! You will only be young once. You can be conservative and lame when you are 80.    PEACE!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lovin' La Vida.

 When I was in Mexico there were various people from several South American countries. One common factor that I noticed about these people is their love of life. They exude confidence that I admire. It makes them beautiful even if they are not esthetically perfect. But they walk the walk and talk the talk. They have me sold.  These people are also so fun loving.    I am choosing to love my vida. Today I will walk with a certain swagger. I will wear the bikini even if I have some extra Badonkadonk, and last but not least I will have a party.  Just for a moment. I used up my time blogging so I just have one minute.   SIRIUS BPM radio,house music blasting. Me ....dancing.   And then I will resume the regular hustle and bustle of life.  But I will be laughing on the inside.   Have a great day!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Thoughts On Lent

Tomorrow is the first say of Lent. I just got out of church and I am feeling truly inpired.Growing up I went to an old school Greek Orthodox church. We just did what we were told. Just don't eat meat during lent for fear of God and fear of my mom. But what does it all mean? Why do we go through all of this sacrifice stuff? Well, J.C was in the wilderness isolated for 40 days. During those 40 days he was tempted by the devil. The Devil offered him many appealing things but Jesus kept turning him down. We are trying to mimic turning away these temptations.Cleansing ourselves of all things evil. Bad food,diharrea of the mouth and bad TV. I am guilty of diharrea of the mouth. Not so much swearing. More of judgement or negative comentary. It ends today. After church, my sister and I decided to give up verbal uncleanliness for the duration of lent. This is a hard one! We joked that we may not have much to talk about on the phone anymore! So beware I cannot comment on the gossip or negative chatter. I will just simply smile and say nothing. 40 days of positive talk and positive messages on Facebook. If you catch me doing it call me on it! What are you willing to change??? Kali Sarakosti....or Happy Lent. May God Bless us all! :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gas Price Conspiracy?

Gas prices are climbing again. WTF?? We all knew that it would happen and it did. Climbing towards 4 bucks a gallon and they are predicting that it will not stop there. I can't help but think that the whole gas thing is a conspiracy. We act like we are in turmoil with all of these oil producing countries but are we really? Or are government officials and American oil executives laughing all the way to the bank. In an age that we have invented so many different things you mean to tell me that we can not invent and bring to the mainstream a new fuel source? I think it is complete B.S.   The rich are getting richer and the poor man is struggling to fill his gas tank. But if we introduce a new fuel for cars to run on Will these big wigs still make money? Go ahead make your money. It's ok we'll pay for fuel and be glad to do it. We need it to survive in this crazy world. But can we be fair here? I may just start experimenting with Mazola or olive oil as a fuel source.  When I succeed I will email all the leaders of the Oil producing countries the middle finger alongside with their evil American counterparts.      Peace out!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Natalia Kills - Mirrors

Men: What not to give on Valentine's day

It's that time of year. The time of love and romance. The time to keep each other warm during those cold winter months. Sometimes VD (Valentine's day) can be like a disease. As a former floral designer I have seen it all. People who go all out for Valentine's day and the skimpers. This is not as much about money as it is about imagination and creativity. Expectations of love and romance let down. I am starting a list of what women like and don't like for Valentine's day. Maybe some of our clueless male counterparts will take note. (Honey I am not talking about you. honestly babe)  lol

The list of DON'TS:

1. The single red rose. (seriously could you be any less original)  If you are going to to the single flower thing. Change it up a bit.

2. The Russel Stovers. All I can say is YUCK!

3. The dozen roses. Again unoriginal. Try a mixed arrangement with Valentine inspired colors.

4. Pass on the Korbel lol

The list of Do's:

1. Light some candles. Play some romantic music, cook some dinner

2. Bring home some flowers. See above for what not to bring

3. Make your own card, poem anything from the heart is better than store bought

4. Massages are free!!

What are your do's and don'ts???

Friday, February 4, 2011

The most meaningful gift one could ever give.

A few years ago I was really moved by the story of a little boy who needed a bone marrow transplant. I was a new mom and this baby boy was just a month older than my new little bundle of joy.  During that time I joined the National Marrow Donor Program. They sent me a swab I mail it back to the marrow bank and they store my info and wait for a match.  Yes I am scared will they ever call me? Once a year they send me a letter to update my info. each time I see the letter and open it with excitement and anticipation that I am a match. What will it be like for me to go through the marrow donation. Then I think some more. Can you imagine what it must be like to watch somebody you love being diagnosed with cancer. It is long,drawn out, painful and just plain evil. Something that nobody should ever go through. Especially a child. So I wait and wonder and remain to be a bit nervous. But I also pray that one day I will be that match for somebody and that my life can help save theirs. You can also donate your child's cord blood if you give birth and are not banking it for your family.  If you have ever considered donating marrow go ahead!  Do it!! Maybe if  we all contribute a little something we can crush this evil disease.  Check out for more info on being a donor.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Hankering For a Glass of H20??

We all have new years resolutions. In my eyes resolutions were meant to be broken. We all want to change something. I have something that I would like to change. My water consumption. I am a freak when it comes to water. I thirst. and then I thirst some more. What the hell is wrong with me.If I am thirsty than why don't I drink? I take this 10 minutes to help search for the answer. We as a societal whole do not drink enough water. Just plain H20. It is advised that we drink half our body weight fl oz in water. So if you weigh 100 lbs you should consume 50 oz of water.  I am going to tell you a little bit about dehydration.Partly to convince you,partly to reinforce it in myself.  Dehydration causes many ailments. Headaches,lethargy, constipation, bad breath,stomach and joint pain just to name a few. I so often hear people complain about these ailments. " I get migraines" Well, how much f'ing water do you drink? Answer  " none" or even better "I drink Coke or diet soda" Think about it. Our bodies were designed to run on water. if we don't drink enough it starts to break down. Its like an engine without oil. Would you replace your oil with diet coke? Then why do we do that to our bodies? Ok enough lecturing here I am guilty also.That is why I urge you and myself to drink more WATER! I start at this moment. I will fill my 8 oz glass and thank myself for doing it. Do it with me for a week. Even if you don't believe.  See and note if any changes occur and let me know. I want to hear! Cheers

PS if you believe this is true and want to learn more about what water can do check out:

The water Cure by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D..    amazing info!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Magic of Yoga

Yesterday was a long day. Driving in the messy snow. Playing nurse to a sick child and just a bit of the winter blues. I received an email about an evening candlelight yoga class. I dragged myself there. I am so glad that I did.  A peaceful room with a lovely vibe. Lit with candles and accompanied by a musician playing songs on her guitar. The music was live you could feel the chords vibrating through your body. she had a raspy Mazzy Star "fade into you" kind of voice and it was beautiful. I worked and I worked hard. Stretched my muscles toned them and then rested them   Ahhh Savasana  or corpse pose. There is nothing like working hard and then being rewarded with peace of the mind and body. A soft scent of lavender, a release shoulder tension and a massage of the temples.  You just don't get better than that. I feel like a know a secret like it is a fountain of youth. I feel like I want to share it with everybody. It is that good! If you practice regularly you know what I'm talking about. If you do not as your friend I say try it out, give it a chance your mind body and maybe even your hubby will thank you.   NAMASTE.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Let me begin by talking about football

Well I really wanted to start my blog on a positive note. So I will have to say something positive before the negative.   Football is almost over!! I am seriously considering hosting a superbowl party to celebrate the end of Football season! So here it comes I had to get it off my chest. I HATE FOOTBALL! There is nothing about it that I like. The brutality of it, the uniforms, the unattractive men who play it ( which includes Tom Brady who now looks like a caveman.)  The betting, the Fantasy football and one last thing the women who pretend to like it. I know there are a few women who really do like it but as a whole women do not like football. They are just "faking it" so they can be with the guys.   I am not a "faker" never have been. If you want me to get excited about something Give me an episode of the Bachelor or an episode of True Blood. But even then, can you imagine not being able to go out with your friends,or spend time with your family because a show is on the way that men do when a game is on? Absolutely Ridiculous!!  And If I have a Superbowl party Everything will be pink and we will drink cosmos's with our pinky fingers held out. Screw Football!! Ahh I feel better now I can breathe! Peace Love and Happiness!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Intro To Elaina's world

Hello World!
Well, you may want to know why I am on here.  I have been a Facebook junkie for a few years now. There are some things you just cannot talk about on Facebook.  My beliefs on FOOD. Yes FOOD. Did you know it could be so taboo to talk about it? Politics, religion and anything else that I feel like rambling about. Part of this is to exercise my mommy brain. A little bit of creative writing 101. And if I offend you  "SORRY"  in my best British snob voice. But this is my blog so If you no likey read a blog written by somebody else!! lol