Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Magic of Yoga

Yesterday was a long day. Driving in the messy snow. Playing nurse to a sick child and just a bit of the winter blues. I received an email about an evening candlelight yoga class. I dragged myself there. I am so glad that I did.  A peaceful room with a lovely vibe. Lit with candles and accompanied by a musician playing songs on her guitar. The music was live you could feel the chords vibrating through your body. she had a raspy Mazzy Star "fade into you" kind of voice and it was beautiful. I worked and I worked hard. Stretched my muscles toned them and then rested them   Ahhh Savasana  or corpse pose. There is nothing like working hard and then being rewarded with peace of the mind and body. A soft scent of lavender, a release shoulder tension and a massage of the temples.  You just don't get better than that. I feel like a know a secret like it is a fountain of youth. I feel like I want to share it with everybody. It is that good! If you practice regularly you know what I'm talking about. If you do not as your friend I say try it out, give it a chance your mind body and maybe even your hubby will thank you.   NAMASTE.

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