Thursday, November 17, 2011

Special delivery! Warning this may be TMI for some people

 I am facing a dilemma that only I can fix or answer. I am usually very decisive. I take a look at 2 or 3 things I decide and never look back. Not this time. This is all concerning my baby's delivery. I had a very traumatic delivery first time around and I Never I mean NEVER want to go through that again! So In the middle of my pregnancy I have decided to change practices and hospitals to deliver my lil' munchkin. Question is where do I go. I am hoping for a natural delivery so I would like a hospital that accommodates my wishes. Seems simple right? Not so.  I also want to know that if something goes wrong I will get the best care possible. The hospital that I am most comfortable with is an hour away. Should I be concerned about that?  What if there is traffic? What if I have "false alarms" at the end. That's a lot of driving. What if there is a snowstorm?  I know I am being crazy! I admit to this but this is what is going on in my messed up lil prego brain. There are other hospitals that come close but they are not right on the money for me. What do I settle for?  A long inconvenient commute or a practice that am a bit less comfortable with? Help!!   My husbands answer" I don't know do what's best for you"   Thanks hun....not helping!!  Must decide must decide! UGH